

Tell the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Protect Gray Wolves!

Relist wolves

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced they are appealing a court ruling that granted gray wolves much-needed protections. The Service instead wants to reinstate a Trump-era rule that stripped protections for gray wolves across the lower 48 states and led to the slaughter of hundreds of wolves.

Take action now to urge the Department of the Interior and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to recommit to gray wolves and rescind their appeal.


  • Secretary Deb Haaland
  • Director Martha Williams


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Rescind the appeal and maintain protections for gray wolves

Dear [Decision Maker],

I urge you to show support for the endangered wildlife you are tasked with protecting and withdraw your appeal to reinstate the Trump administration's 2020 delisting rule. Gray wolves are not yet recovered across their native range and a removal of Endangered Species Act protections will be deadly, as history has sadly shown.

When the delisting rule first went into effect in 2021, Wisconsin held a wolf hunt - more than 216 wolves were brutally killed in just 60 hours. If the delisting rule is reinstated, wolves in Wisconsin and other states could be subjected to immediate hunting seasons.

The removal of protections for gray wolves, especially when they're not fully recovered, isn't something to be celebrated. Studies show that government-sanctioned killing of wolves, and lack of protections, can lead to an increase in wolf killing. By filing to reinstate the rule and give control to state agencies, you're sending the message that "wolves don't matter," a message that is misleading and deadly.

The Service only recently announced their intent to finally complete a national recovery plan for gray wolves. Please withdraw the appeal and follow through on your work to truly protect and recover wolves.

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