

Urge Congress to Protect Wolves and Other Endangered Wildlife

Mexican Duo Howl

Over the next few weeks, Congress will consider various spending bills, including the House FY 2025 Interior appropriations bill. H.R. 8998 contains many harmful riders that would weaken and undermine the Endangered Species Act (ESA). One rider, Sec. 130, would remove protections for gray wolves:

Sec. 130 would direct the Secretary of the Interior to reinstate the flawed Trump administration rule delisting the gray wolf in 44 states which was hastily issued by the FWS at the end of the last administration. Gray wolf populations in the United States were decimated by decades of predator control programs, as well as loss of habitat and prey. Since receiving protection under the ESA in 1974, the gray wolf has begun a comeback, but remains far from recovered. 

Take Action Today!

The ESA is our nation’s most effective law for preventing extinction and protecting imperiled wildlife. As a science-based law, the future of the ESA should not be decided at the hands of Congress. To take action, fill in the action alert below. 

Please email your senators today and ask them to protect endangered species, including wolves, by ensuring that these anti-ESA riders are not included in the final appropriations bills. Feel free to adjust the message to reflect your own research and passion about the issue.

Let's join together and work towards a safer future for all wildlife. Every voice matters, and together we can make a difference!


  • Your Senators
  • Your Representative


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Vote "No" on H.R. 8998 Until Riders that Weaken the ESA Are Removed

Dear [Decision Maker],

I urge you to oppose any riders attached to funding bills that would weaken and undermine the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The ESA is a landmark piece of legislation that institutionalized our national commitment to conservation and the protection of imperiled fish, plants and wildlife and the places they call home.

As a strong supporter of healthy ecosystems and a proponent of biodiversity, I ask you to consider my values and ensure these riders are not included in any final appropriations bill.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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